JIRA View Time Tracking Permissions

Important note Retirement of icTime and Retirement of biz on December 29th, 2023

JIRA View Time Tracking Permissions

In JIRA, if

  • time tracking is activated in JIRA
  • and a user has the permission to browse a certain project,

there is no way in JIRA to restrict access to time tracking information, i.e. time logged as well as work estimates and remaining estimates will be visible to every user who has access to an issue! 

For more information, refer to http://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JRA-2364 and http://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JRA-27613. There is also a plugin that solves the issue in a proper way (https://plugins.atlassian.com/23216), but this requires a JIRA core patch and still there is a way to get time tracking information if you know how.

We have added a small workaround to ictime that helps you to at least superficially hide this information, e.g. from your customers, in some places.


JIRA does not have a "field-level-security" concept. All approaches to solve this issue without changing the JIRA core can only be workarounds, as they can't solve the problem that JIRA will deliver time tracking data from the backend. Our workaround only removes data on the frontend. It is not difficult to get the data with respective tools or by deactivating JavaScript. This workaround covers data displayed in JIRA itself. ictime does not have any control over time tracking data displayed by other plugins. Unfortunately, this also applies to JIRA Agile.


Go to

ictime - Administration - Permissions - JIRA

Permissions are always set on JIRA group level. You can select as many existing groups as you need. You can either directly enter the group name(s) or click on the group icon

and choose the groups in the JIRA group picker that opens as a separate window:

Once chosen the group(s), please click an the "Add" button to save your selection. If you have typed the group name manually and this group does not exist, it won't be saved.

The groups will be listed in the "Assigned" column of the interface. To delete groups you have assigned to a permission, use the respective link


By adding groups to thes epermissions, you are denying (and not granting) access to time tracking information! By default, according to the non-existing JIRA permissions, all users with browse project permissions can see all information specified below; so there is no default JIRA group defined.

Tab Permissions (View Issue Screen)Deny access to the tabs "All", "Work Log" and "History" and hide the "Views" button (print view, XML view etc.) on the view issue screen. All these tabs/views contain time tracking information. 
Time Tracking Webpanel Permissions (View Issue Screen)Deny access to Webpanels; this is the JIRA "Time Tracking" panel in the right column of the view issue screen. 

Create, Edit & Transition Issue Permissions

Deny access to original and remaining estimate data as well as the "Configure fields" option on create/edit issue. 

General Time Tracking Permissions (all over JIRA)


Deny access to time tracking related columns on issue navigator screens (also for gadgets that display issue lists), eliminate time tracking related data from activity streams (and RRS Feed option) on issue, project and dashboard level (all descriptions and times), deny access to time tracking related reports on project level. 

In order to deny access to time tracking data, some data and configuration options have to be eliminated completly, as it is not possible to filter the time tracking data itself; like e.g. in the case of "Export" on the issue screen.

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