Important note Retirement of icTime and Retirement of biz on December 29th, 2023
JIRA Configuration and Permissions
For a couple of basic settings and permissions, ictime relies on settings you define directly in JIRA.
Time Tracking Activated in JIRA
As a base requirement to use ictime, time tracking needs to be activated in JIRA. How to do this is explained in detail here: This is the JIRA screen:
The specific settings you can configure here do not have a direct impact on how ictime works, but basically determine how entries are interpreted in log work screens and how time is displayed. If you plan to log work as part of issue operations (like issue transitions), you need to enable "Copying of comments to work description" (see also Custom Field Log Work for ictime).
JIRA Permissions for Time Tracking
In addition, a couple of permissions do not exist separately in ictime, but are always taken from JIRA.The most important one is the permission to log work itself ("Work on Issues"). See is the respective JIRA screen:
The following permissions from the JIRA default permission scheme need to be considered:
JIRA Permission | Description | Remarks |
Work on Issues | ictime has additional conditions to check if a specific user is allowed to log work (e.g. based on project status, based on team memebership etc.), but the general permission to log work for issues of a project is not managed in ictime, but ictime relies on the "Work on Issues" permission from JIRA. | If you handle this permission on a project role level in JIRA and use different permission schemes for different projects, you will also be able to allow certain users to log work in a project and others not. Alternatively, you can achieve that in ictime (only for projects with teams/price lists) by assigning some users to project teams and others not. |
Edit Own Worklogs | Ability to edit own worklogs made on issues | Normal users need this JIRA permission to work on there time entries (regardless if via JIRA interfaces or ictime interfaces) |
Edit All Worklogs | Ability to edit all worklogs made on issues. | Administrative users need this JIRA permission to work on all time entries (regardless if via JIRA interfaces or ictime interfaces) |
Delete Own Worklogs | Ability to delete own worklogs made on issues. | Normal users should probably have this JIRA permission to work on there time entries (regardless if via JIRA interfaces or ictime interfaces) |
Delete all worklogs | Ability to delete all worklogs made on issues. | Administrative users should probably have this JIRA permission to work on all time entries (regardless if via JIRA interfaces or ictime interfaces) |
When correcting work logs for issues that have been moved between projects in JIRA, some JIRA permissions might be ignored. See Fix Work Logs (Warnings). In addition, all actions on the Reporting screen will ignore the JIRA limitation that you can't log work or edit work logs for issues in status "closed" (see Reports: Work Log Details).