Time & Date Settings

Important note Retirement of icTime and Retirement of biz on December 29th, 2023

Time & Date Settings

ictime uses your JIRA time & date settings to display data. This refers to the display of date & time information, e.g. in reports or timesheets and to the date format in date picker elements.

If your JIRA time & date settings are correct (i.e. time & date is displayed the way you want all over JIRA), there is nothing you need to do.

Time & Date Settings

Regarding JIRA time & date configuration, please refer to https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRA/__date+and+time+formats (good examples also under https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRA/Changing+the+Due+Date+Input+Format).

There are two different places where you have to configure these settings in JIRA (in different notations for Java and JavaScript), and you need to consider that both configurations have to be consistent - if they are not the same, you will get date / time validation errors (not only in ictime, but also in some other places in JIRA).


Go to

Administration - System - User Interface - Look and Feel

and configure the settings under "Date/Time Formats".

These are the relevant settings and where they apply to ictime data:

Time FormatJIRA ConfigurationRemarks
clock icons (all log work / edit /resume work log screens)Date/Time Formats: Time Format
from-to time on view issue screen, timesheet and reporting detailsDate/Time Formats: Time Format

all dates displayed on all other screensDate/Time Formats: Day/Month/Year Format

Picker Settings

Go to

System - Settings

and click on "Advanced Settings":

These are the relevant settings and where they apply to ictime data:

Date FormatJIRA ConfigurationRemarks
Date picker (all log work / edit work log screens, Reporting search mask, My Timesheet search mask); pre-populated date range in My Timesheet, date format for search in My Timesheet and Reporting





It is essential that these four definitions match exactly! If they don't match, limiting your search to a date range in ictime might not work correctly.

Configuration is in JavaScript format and in Java SimpleDateFormat (for Java, see http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/index.html?java/text/SimpleDateFormat.html.). Also see https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRA/__date+and+time+formats for some examples. For JavaScript, also refer to table below.

JavaScript Date & Time Formatting

Please find common date & time placeholders for formatting, basically used for all JS picker formats in JIRA, below:

%areplaced by the locale's abbreviated weekday name
%Areplaced by the locale's full weekday name
%breplaced by the locale's abbreviated month name
%Breplaced by the locale's month name
%dreplaced by the day of the month as a decimal number [01..31]
%ereplaced by the day of the month as a decimal number [1..31], leading space pad
%Fequivalent to %Y-%m-%d (ISO-8601 date format)
%Hreplaced by the hour (24-h clock) as a decimal number [00...23]
%Ireplaced by the hour (12-h clock) as a decimal number [01..12]
%kreplaced by the hour (24-h clock) as a decimal number [0..23]
%lreplaced by the hour (12-h clock) as a decimal number [1..12]
%mreplaced by the month as a decimal number [01..12]
%Mreplaced by the minute as a decimal number [00..59]
%preplaced by the locale's equivalent of either a.m. or p.m.
%Psame as %p but forced lower case
%Requivalent to %H:%M
%Sreplaced by the second as a decimal number [00..59]
%Tequivalent to %H:%M:%S
%wreplaced by the weekday as a decimal number [0..6]
%yreplaced by the last two digits of the year as a decimal number [00..99]
%Yreplaced by the year as a decimal number (e.g. 2009)

Example Setup for 24 hour clock and German Date formatting


Timezone Handling

Please refer to this separate chapter: Timezone Issues

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