Prerequisites to Log Work

Important note Retirement of icTime and Retirement of biz on December 29th, 2023

Prerequisites to Log Work

Depending on your specific configuration, there might be a couple of requirements that need be be covered for a user to be able to log work.


Create Work Log

Time tracking activated in JIRA.Time tracking has to be globally activated for your JIRA installation.See https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRA/Configuring+Time+Tracking.
Permission "Work on Issues" available for current user.The general permission to log work for issues of a project is not managed in ictime, but ictime relies on the "Work on Issues" permission from JIRA. A user needs to have this permission to be able to log work in a project.See http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRA/Managing+Project+Permissions#ManagingProjectPermissions-permissionschemes
Issue needs to be in a JIRA state that allows logging work.JIRA by default does not allow to log work for closed issues.We do not support non-default workflow properties for issues in status "Closed" and only check for the status "Closed" (see https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRA/Allow+editing+of+Closed+Issues).

You don't need to be assignee of an issue to log work in JIRA.

Edit/Delete Work Log

The following needs to be considered in case you expect users to edit and/or delete their own work logs or all work logs:

JIRA Permission "Edit Own Worklogs" available for current user.Permission to edit own worklogs made on issues.See http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRA/Managing+Project+Permissions#ManagingProjectPermissions-permissionschemes
JIRA Permission "Edit All Worklogs" available for current user.Permission to edit all worklogs made on issues.See http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRA/Managing+Project+Permissions#ManagingProjectPermissions-permissionschemes
JIRA Permission "Delete Own Worklogs" available for current user.Permission to delete own worklogs made on issues.See http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRA/Managing+Project+Permissions#ManagingProjectPermissions-permissionschemes
Permission "Delete All Worklogs" available for current user.Permission to delete all worklogs made on issues.See http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRA/Managing+Project+Permissions#ManagingProjectPermissions-permissionschemes


Create Work Log

The project status in ictime is "active" or no status is set.You can only create new work logs for "active" projects or projects without status.See Project Status. If nothing is configured (no status is set), ictime will always treat a project like being "active".
User needs to be  an ictime team member for one team for this project and this team needs to have a valid pricelist for the time period the user want to log work.If a project uses teams & price lists, a user can only log work if this user is member of a team for this project and there is a valid price list available. If logging work for the past or the future, the date must be within an existing price list validity period.

Only applies if

Edit/Move/Delete Work Log

In addition to the prerequisites to create work logs, the following needs to be considered:

The work log status in ictime is "not charged".Once a work log has been charged, it is not longer possible to edit or delete it via ictime.See Accounting.
The work log approval status in ictime is "not approved".Once a work log has been approved, it is not longer possible to edit or delete it via ictime.See Approval.

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