Manage Work Logs

Important note Retirement of icTime and Retirement of biz on December 29th, 2023

Manage Work Logs

This chapter explains in detail how to work with existing work logs on the issue screen. Please also refer to Timesheet and to Reports: Work Log Details for further options to manage your work logs.

Access (Your) Work Logs

There are a couple of places on the issue screen and one option in the JIRA navigation where you can access some or all of your work logs for an issue (and, depending on your permissions, also work logs of other users):

  • Your 5 recent work logs are available via the ictime navigation (similar to JIRA's "Recent Issues" functionality).

    You can click on any of the work logs to edit the work log (for more details, see below).

  • In the "Activity" section of the issue screen, the "Work Log (ictime)" tab shows all your work logs for the issue (if you have respective permssions, all work logs of all users)

    Depending on the status of the work log, you can edit, delete and resume the work log (for more details, see below).

  • The "My Last Work Log" Panel displays your last work log for the issue (if you have already logged work for this issue).

    Depending on the status of the work log, you can edit, delete and resume the work log (for more details, see below).

Recent Work Logs Dropdown

ictime adds your last 5 work logs to the ictime navigation dropdown so that you can easily access and edit them without having to navigate to the issue or to your timesheet.

Your five last work logs are displayed with the issue key of the related issue and an extract of the work log description. Click on an entry to go to the edit work log screen. If you click on "more", your timesheet will we displayed (see Timesheet).

Should it no longer be possible to edit a work log (e.g. because the issue itself has been closed in JIRA, you might get an "Access Denied" error message from JIRA:

"Work Log (ictime)" Tab

ictime adds a tab to the issue that contains your work logs and always displays the newest entries on top. If you have the ictime permission "Log work for others", the tab will also show work logs of other users.

Depending on a couple of factors, you can edit, resume and delete your work logs from this tab.

The tab shows the following information:

DateDate of the work log.Date for the work log entry, not the date it was created (you can create a work log for the past or future, it does not need to match with the current date).
Activity TypeActivity type of the work log.If applicable.
DescriptionDescription for this work log.Depending on JIRA configuration and depending on where this work log had been created, this could be a comment, too
Start timeStart time of the work log.If applicable (if you have used from/to fields to create this work log); if you have logged the time as result, the server time when you have saved the entry will appear here (this is useful for identifying your last work log)
End timeEnd time of the work log.If applicable (if you have used from/to fields to create this work log)
ResultExact resultEither the exact result of the time span entered as from/to (if you have used from/to fields to create this work log) or simply the value you have directly entered ("time spent")
RoundedRounded result according to current rounding rule for current project; displayed as decimal value (not in time format).empty (--) if no rounding rule is in place for this project
Corrected ResultResult that should be used for accounting purposes instead of "time spent" or the calculated result of start/end time of the work log.If applicable (if feature is enabled - see General Configuration - and user has entered a corrected result.

Shows if work log should be charged.


 do not charge



Shows if work logs are approved or not.


not (yet) approved


Depending on

the following operations will be available:

EditEdit the work logIf you have the ictime permission "Log work for others" and if you have the JIRA permission "Edit All Worklogs" (see http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRA/Managing+Project+Permissions), you will de able to edit work logs of other users.
DeleteDelete the work logIf you have the ictime permission "Log work for others" and if you have the JIRA permission "Delete All Worklogs" (see http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRA/Managing+Project+Permissions), you will de able to delete work logs of other users.
ResumeWill create a new work log with all data of this entry, with today's date and (if you have logged time in "from/to" format) the current time as start timeIf you have the ictime permission "Log work for others", you will be able to resume work logs of other users.

My Last Work Log Panel

Changes in ictime version 4.0.2: Time tracking information is no longer part of this panel. A separate panel "Time Tracking - ictime" has been added (see below).


JIRA by default shows the Time Tracking panel on the right of the view issue screen if there is a work estimate and/or at least one work log for an issue. If no work estimate and/or work log exist (yet), no panel will be displayed and you won't have the option to quickly add a work log here.

ictime adds another panel, "My Last Work Log", below this JIRA panel.This panel is always present adds the following information and options:

  • option to create a new work log ("+" icon),
  • showing your last work log for this issue (if there is one),
  • option to edit, delete or resume your last work log for this issue (for details, see below),
  • showing how much time you have logged and how much time was logged by others (only ictime version < 4.0.2)

ictime versions < 4.0.2:

Please note that - in case of an issue with sub-taks - this panel always considers work logged on the issue itself and on it's sub-taks (in the JIRA time tracking panel, you have a checkbox to either include or exclude the work logs of sub-taks).

Depending on

the following operations will be available:

EditEdit your work log.See below.
DeleteDelete your work log.See below.
ResumeCreates a new work log with all data of this entry, with today's date and (if you have logged time in "from/to" format) the current time as start time.See Log Work.
CreateCreates a new work log.See Log Work.

If you did not log work yet, the panel will only display the following information:

Note: ictime versions prior 4.0.2. show the following information (if current user did not log work yet, but other users did):

If no time has been logged yet, the panel will be there, but only the headline and the "+" icon to log work will display.

If this panel is displayed to a user is controlled by ictime permissions, see ictime Permissions.

JIRA "Work Log" Tab

On you issue screen, - apart from the tab "Work Log (ictime)" you might have another tab called "Work Log" which is the default JIRA tab to display work logs.

This tab should be deactivated to avoid confusion and to avoid that you use the "wrong" functionality to edit/delete work logs. See https://intern.interconcept.de/confluence/display/ICTIME/FIRST+STEPS#FIRSTSTEPS-2.DisableJIRA's"LogWork"ScreenDisableJIRALogWork.

JIRA Time Tracking Panel

The JIRA Time Tracking panel shows the estimate, the time logged and the remaining estimate. In general, the Time Tracking panel is a valuable resource to get an idea on plan and reality on the level of a single issue. Basically, this covers planning and target/actual comparison for a single issue. 

Available operations are:

CreateCreates a new work logThis operation is overwritten by ictime and leads to the ictime "Log Work" screen.

Please keep in mind that in JIRA, the remaining estimate is not necessarily the difference between original estimate and the time already logged (see Work Estimates, Remaining Estimate).

"Time Tracking - ictime" Panel

This feature has been added with ictime version 4.0.2. Background was a bug of a third-party add-on that hides the JIRA "Time Tracking" panel in case you disabled the JIRA "log work" operation (which is recommended when using ictime in order to avoid confusion). You need to assign respective permissions (see ictime Permissions). If you do not experience this problem, there is no need to use the ictime version of the panel. If you want to use the ictime panel without being affected by the bug, you should disable the JIRA panel (Manage Add-ons, search for "Atlassian JIRA - Plugins - View Issue Panels" and disable the module "timetrackingmodule").

The "Time Tracking - ictime" panel shows the estimate, the time logged and the remaining estimate.

If there are sub-tasks, a checkbox appears to control if display includes estimates and time logged for these sub-tasks.

"Logged" distinguishes between the time logged by the current user and time logged by others (if applicable). You can see this information in detail on mouseover:


Resume Work Log

Resuming a work log means to create a new work log with exactly the data of the existing one, but pre-populating date field and time fields (if applicable) according to the current date and time. For details, please refer to Log Work.

Edit Work Log

On issue level, the feature is available either in the

  • the "Work Log (ictime)" tab
  • or in the "My Last Work Log" panel.

The interface is basically the same like for creating a new work log, but does never contain the option to change the user and the issue.

You can modify all fields.

If you can edit a work log depends on

  • the ictime project status (you can't edit work logs any longer if the project status is inactive or closed),
  • the ictime work log status (you can't edit work logs that have already been charged)
  • the ictime approval status (you can't edit work logs that have already been approved)
  • and the JIRA issue status (you can't edit work logs for closed issues).

In all these cases, you usually should not see the "Edit" icon/option.

For the following scenario, you will be able to start editing a work log, but might get an error message:

  • In case team & price list checks are activated in JIRA (see General Configuration and Project Teams), your change requires a valid price list (for the user who has created this work log). This only applies when you try to change the date for the work log and the date is not within the range of any valid price list.

For the follwoing scenario, you will be able to edit a work log, but will get a warning message:

  • If the team assignment status for the work log you want to edit is not consistent (for the user who has created this work log). Should this user have been a member of a team and has left and/or changed the team afterwards (see Project Teams), you will be able to edit work logs this user has created before he/she has left/changed the team, but your changes will be saved using the current user settings, this way overwriting the original settings used when creating the work log.

This is the message you get when editing a work log affected by a team change (see Project Teams):

Delete Work Log

On issue level, the feature is available either in the

  • the "Work Log (ictime)" tab
  • or in the "My Last Work Log" panel.

When deleting a work log, you need to decide how to adjust the remaining estimate. Please consider the different options provided by JIRA, see Work Estimates, Remaining Estimate.

If you can delete a work log depends on

  • the ictime project status (you can't delete work logs any longer if the project status is inactive or closed),
  • the work log status (you can't delete work logs that have already been charged)
  • the approval status (you can't delete work logs that have already been approved)
  • the JIRA issue status (you can't delete work logs for closed issues).




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