Important note Retirement of icTime and Retirement of biz on December 29th, 2023
ictime provides very flexible reports by multiple dimensions. Reports are the base for approval (see Approval) and charging work logs (see Accounting). They can also be exported as .xls files to be used as base for external accounting. Reports always consist of work log details (see Reports: Work Log Details) and a summary (Reports: Summary & Analysis).
Typically, reports can be used to
- analyse time spent on a project by different criteria (see Create Reports),
- work on work logs, e.g. edit or move work logs to other issues (see Reports: Work Log Details)
- get an idea on how much money should be charged for a project (see Reports: Summary & Analysis),
- export work log details and/or summary (see Reports: Work Log Details and Reports: Summary & Analysis),
- generate a set of work logs to approve (see Approve Work Logs),
- generate a set of work logs to be charged (see Reports: Summary & Analysis and Accounting),
- fix broken work logs for work logs of issues that have been moved between projects (see Fix Work Logs (Warnings)).
If a user has the JIRA permission to log work for others, this user will be able to create reports and perform a couple of operations available in reporting also in the "My Timesheets" section (see Timesheet).
Starting from Version IcTime considers Jira project permissions in addition to IcTime permissions. In case a user has no JIra permission at all for a project, the project can not any longer be analyzed in reporting.