Documentation for ictime version 2.x. This documentation relates to an old, non-supported version of ictime. The documentation of the current version can be found here.
Project Status
JIRA does not offer a specific project status e.g. for projects in preparation, running projects, closed projects. All projects are always considered "active", there are only workarounds to "deactivate" or "archive" projects in JIRA (see In order to keep managing projects in ictime efficient and control time tracking for projects, we have introduced a status for a project in ictime.
Project Status Definitions
ictime offers the following status for a project:
Status | Description | Remarks |
- | (If you did not configure your JIRA project in ictime yet) | behaves like "active" |
active | You can log time, run reporting and use the accounting features. | default setting |
inactive | You can't log time any longer and can't edit, move or delete existing work logs, but the project still appears for reporting and accounting purposes. | Users with access to the reporting screen can still edit, move and delete existing work logs for projects in status "inactive" (only on this screen). |
closed | You can't log time any longer and can't edit, move or delete existing work logs and the project is not available for reporting & accounting purposes any longer. |
In the ictime project list, we show active & inactive projects and closed projects on different tabs. This way, you do not get bothered by projects that are already closed (archived) when browsing projects in ictime. Project status in ictime is independent from what you do in JIRA with a project.
Manage Project Status
Go to
ictime -> Configuration -> Configure Projects
You can either edit a project and click on the tab "Project Status" or you can access the status directly from the project list (see Project List).
Status transitions are not strict. You can change the status at any time in any direction (might be required e.g. to access reporting again for an old projec already closed).