
Documentation for ictime version 2.x. This documentation relates to an old, non-supported version of ictime. The documentation of the current version can be found here.


ictime enhances existing JIRA time tracking options (without changing JIRA data) with many features that make time tracking more powerful, efficient and convenient and it adds flexible reporting and accounting capabilities. ictime was created to provide efficient solutions for common time tracking, reporting and accounting issues. ictime is not a resource planning tool that helps you to plan and allocate your ressources to projects or gives detailed information on resource utilization. It does not offer workflows or complex approval processes regarding work logs. It is not a Gantt chart tool that shows time planning and scheduling data via charts or other visual elements.

ictime Features

Log Work

  • log work alternatively as time span "from-to"
  • choose activity type
  • resume an existing work log with one  click
  • resume, edit or delete  last work log directly from the time tracking panel
  • "no charge" option for work logs
  • additional "My Work Log" tab with only my work logs displayed on issue level
  • log work directly from navigation bar


  • separate user timesheet with filters by project, component, version, activity type and date
  • edit, delete, resume or create new work log directly from user timesheet
  • log work for any issue directly from timesheet
  • log work for other users (if you have respective permissions)
  • move work logs to other issues of the same project


  • combine different criteria (project, user, activity type, component, version, date range, accounting status) to generate reports
  • view details (work log entries) and financial summary
  • edit and delete work log entries of a report
  • work on issues directly from any report
  • move work logs to other issues of the same project
  • export report in Excel-compatible format
  • use any report as base for billing

Accounting (Billing)

  • define different teams with different price lists per projects
  • define price per team or per team and activity type
  • validity period for price lists allows for price changes within the project duration
  • define rounding rules per project in order to round up/down and  to charge minimum time units
  • define currency per project
  • add optional accounting information per project (customer, account, …)
  • exclude work log positions of a report from your "bill"
  • set status of time entries to status "charged" as part of the billing process
  • access "bills" and export details as Excel-compatible file
  • revert "bills" and set all work logs to "open" again (in case you made a mistake)


  • plan bottom-up (task, sub-task level) and top-down (project, component level) at the same time
  • create & edit issue time estimates in issue edit screen or directly in central planning sheet
  • filter central planning sheet by component
  • target/actual comparison on project and component level
  • filter target/actual comparison by component
  • planning quality factor that considers overall standard deviation


  • control access to ictime features in detail on JIRA group level
  • additional workaround to hide JIRA time tracking data from users

JIRA Features

ictime fundamentally enhances JIRS's time tracking options. Here we give a short overview on the existing time tracking options in JIRA and makes some explanations regarding wording and concepts. For the full documentation of JIRA time tracking, please refer to http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRA/Logging+Work+on+an+Issue and http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRA/Configuring+Time+Tracking.

Log Work

Log work (time) for an issue. When configuring screens (see http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRA/Configuring+Fields+and+Screens), this is is also the name of the field to add if you want to place this functionality on a screen.

Work (time) for an issue can be logged in JIRA according to the format configured for time tracking, e.g. as weeks, days, hours & minutes (see http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRA/Configuring+Time+Tracking). In a new JIRA installation, log work is part of the log work screen and of the resolve issue screen. By default, JIRA does not allow logging time on issues in status "closed". To be able to log work, time tracking must be enabled and the respective user needs the "work on issue" permission.

ictime adds activity type and the option to log time "from-to" instead of as a result. It adds the option to set a "no charge" flag for a time log entry. It adds the option to log work (or to edit and delete entries) from your personal timesheet or directly from the JIRA navigation bar (you don't have to navigate to the issue). It adds the option to resume existing work logs (copies all data into a new work log with current data and time).
Work Log

A list of all work already logged for an issue. The term also is used to name the database entry of a work log.

On issue level, JIRA displays all work log entries including description to all users that have view rights for an issue (if no issue security applies, all users with browse project permission) in the Work Log tab. Depending on your permissions, you can modify or delete your entries or all entries. In addition, work log data is also part of the History, Activity Stream, Comment and All tab on issue level as well as of the Activity Stream gadget for dashboards for all users with browse project permission (as long as no issue security prevents viewing an issue).

ictime adds a separate tab with some more details and the option to edit, delete and resume a work log. Data is sorted with the newest entry first, and only your entries are displayed.
Time TrackingAs a specific term, it refers to the topic of setting original and remaining estimates (when creating or editing an issue or during the process of looging work). When configuring screens (see http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRA/Configuring+Fields+and+Screens), this is is also the name of the JIRA field to add if you want to place this functionality on a screen (see Log Work Field).In some cases used as general term for making estimates, logging work/time and calculation the remaining estimate.
Original EstimateAn estimate (plan) for the time required to work on an issue, set on issue level as part of creating or editing (see also Work Estimates, Remaining Estimate).

Estimates can be done on issue level, e.g. when creating or editing an issue or for some workflow transitions. They are done according to the format configured for time tracking, e.g. as weeks, days, hours & minutes (see http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRA/Configuring+Time+Tracking). In a new JIRA installation, estimates are part of the create/edit issue screen and the log work mask. To be able to make estimates, time tracking must be enabled and the time tracking field must be added e.g. to the create/edit screen.

On issue level, JIRA functionality remains unchanged. ictime uses the data for planning on project and component level and adds separate planning features on project & component level.

Remaining EstimateA value that describes the remaining work (time) still required to solve the issue. This value might be the difference of original estimate and work already logged, but it can also be independent from these values (see also Work Estimates, Remaining Estimate).The remaining estimate is either calculated from the original estimate and time already logged, or it can be manipulated manually (see Work Estimates, Remaining Estimate).

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