ictime enhances existing JIRA time tracking options with many features that make time tracking more powerful, efficient and convenient and it adds flexible reporting and accounting capabilities. However, ictime still writes JIRA work logs in the JIRA database and also uses parts of the basic time tracking logic from JIRA. For documentation of JIRA default time tracking, please refer to http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRA/Logging+Work+on+an+Issue and http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRA/Configuring+Time+Tracking.

Configure Add-on

For details, see General Configuration.

Configure Global Teams, Activity Types, Rounding Rules

For details, see Global Teams & Price ListsActivity TypesRounding Rules (<= 5.4.x).

Configure Projects

For details, see Project Configuration.

Log Work

For details, see User Manual.


For details, see Timesheet.


For details, see Approval.


For details, see Reporting.

Accounting (Charge Work Logs)

For details, see Accounting.


For details, see Planning.


For details, see Permissions.

Mobile Support

There is currently no native support for IcTime functionality. 

To evaluate demand, requirements and pricing, a discussion has been created in the Atlassian Community.

You find the discussion here: Evaluation of demand and requirements for a Mobile App to support icTime Time Tracking.

Please take part in the discussion and share your needs with us.