Move Work Logs

Documentation for ictime version 2.x. This documentation relates to an old, non-supported version of ictime. The documentation of the current version can be found here.

Move Work Logs

Version 2.2
Feature introduced.

ictime offers a simple possibility to move work logs between different JIRA issues within one project.

Access Move Work Log Functionality

You can move work logs on

  • the My Timesheet interface (liste view and structured view)
  • and the Work Log Details of any report (Reporting).


You can only move work logs between different JIRA issues within one project. It is not possible to move work logs between issues of different projects. Reason is that configuration of different projects might be fundamentally different regarding activity types, teams and price lists so that a work log would not be "compatible" and you could only move it by making configuration changes before - if possible at all.

You can't move historic work logs, i.e. work logs you have created in JIRA before you have installed ictime. However, if you edit such a historic work log once, enhanced ictime data will be created and you will be able to move the work log.

Move Work Log

Find the work log you want to move in your timesheet list or structured view or in your report list or structured view (see My Timesheet or Reporting). Click on the following icon:

The following interface will open in a separate window:

To select a new issue where the work log should be moved to, start to type part of the issue description or key in the "New Issue" field. The JIRA issue picker will return suggestions. Please note that the issue picker will also suggest issues of different projects. You can select such issues, but will get an error message when trying to move the issue.

If you have the permission to edit/delete a work log, you will also have the option to move the work log. Please note that when working with My Timesheet, JIRA restrictions regarding issue status are applied when moving a work log to another issue within the same project: You can neither move a work log from a closed issue nor can you move a work log to a closed issue. In the first case, ictime won't offer the functionality, in the second case, you will get an error message ("Work log unavailable / Issue unavailable"). However, in reports (see Reporting), those restrictions are not applied.

Move JIRA Issues

Allthought ictime does not support moving of work logs between issues of different projects, JIRA offers the option to move issues to different projects. If issues have work logs already, those will be moved with the issue. This will lead to an inconsistency in ictime as JIRA is not aware of ictime and all data added to the JIRA work log on ictime level won't be moved, so they still have a wrong project relation in ictime. This topic is addressed here: Repair Work Logs (Moved Issues).



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