
Important note Retirement of icTime and Retirement of biz on December 29th, 2023


In this chapter, we would like to give a brief introduction into the concept and features of icbiz.

icbiz can only be used in combination with the add-on "ictime - JIRA Time Tracking & Reporting" (see https://marketplace.atlassian.com/plugins/de.iconcept.ictime.jira-ictime). Before installing icbiz, please ensure to have a compatible ictime version (see Version Compatibility icbiz-ictime-JIRA) installed.

What is icbiz

icbiz provides a couple of services through a REST-API:

  • REST services to copy (create) JIRA projects based on a copy ("template") project.
  • REST services that expose selected functionality and data of the separate add-on "ictime - JIRA Time Tracking & Reporting".

The business purpose of icbiz is to make available data and functionality that is required to cover a typical, simple use case of connecting JIRA to an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system (or an accounting/billing system), usually in order to bill work tracked in JIRA via the other system. Another typical use case might be exporting work logs to another system for analysis & reporting purposes.

Base Functionality

icbiz adds an option to copy JIRA "template" projects via REST-API. Via the REST-API for selected functionality of the "ictime - JIRA Time Tracking & Reporting" add-on, you can create and update activity types (representing e.g. "services", "articles" or "contract positions" in your ERP system) and can assign specific activity types for projects. With ictime Work Log Attributes assigned via the REST-API, you can specific the way your work should be billed (e.g. billing unit as time, amount, number of ..., etc.) on the level of projects and/or activity types and can add respective options to your "Log Work" masks. Finally, your ERP system can retrieve work log reports according to different criteria via the icbiz REST-API and can charge the work logs in ictime.

Please refer to our Example Use Case and also have a look to Additional Useful Add-Ons.

Supported ERP/Accounting Systems

There is no list of "supported" ERP systems, and icbiz does not provide functionality "out-of-the-box" that would map certain data from specific external systems to JIRA and ictime. Using icbiz means that you implement REST services on the level of your ERP or accounting system (or other systems). Basically, any system that can implement REST services can be used. A project with icbiz implemented by us was working with SAP Business One as ERP system (http://www.sap.com/solution/sme/software/erp/small-business-management/overview/index.html).

JavaDoc Reference

For a complete technical reference (JavaDoc) of the icbiz REST-API, please refer to https://www.smadoa.de/bizdoc/ This is the latest Version of the JavaDoc.

Use https://www.smadoa.de/bizdoc10/ for Version 1.0 of icbiz.

Documentation LinkRemarks
icBiz Version

icBiz 1.xhttps://www.iconcept.de/bizdoc20/

icBiz 2.xhttps://www.smadoa.de/bizdoc/For Jira 7.x and JSD 3.x only

icBiz 3.xhttps://www.smadoa.de/bizdoc/Jira 8.x and JSD 4.x