Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.


DateInvoice date you have set when creating the invoice. 
Invoice No.Invoice number (automatically generated).This number is automatically generated in case you have activated the Invoice Documents feature (see General Configuration).
Invoice Ref.No.(External) invoice reference/number you have set when creating/editing the invoice. This is usually a reference to an invoice document that has been created in a different system. 
CustomerCustomer (if available) 
ProjectProject key.Accounts can only contain work logs of one single project.
NameName you have set when creating/editing the invoice. 
TextText with further information for this invoice.optional
CommentAdditional comment (e.g. to explain why there is a difference between the result from ictime and the billed sum)optional
Total (Billed)Total that has been or will be charged to the customer. This value has been entered manually by the user and it might not be the same like the caculated total from ictime.optional
Total (Calculated)The (financial) amount to be billed that is calculated by ictime (based on the report that was used to create this account). 

Status of the invoice:

  • Open: The invoice has been created, but no invoice document has been created (= the feature for invoice document creation was switched of when creating the invoice).
  • Cancelled: The invoice has been cancelled. For details see below.
  • Document Created: An invoice document has been created for this invoice. This means that you can no longer cancel the invoice, but would have to cancel the invoice document first (create a credit note, see below).
  • Document Cancelled: If you have cancelled the invoice document (have created a credit note), the invoice itself will get this status. You can now cancel the invoice and "release" all work logs of this invoice again.

Invoices created with previous versions of ictime do not show a status. They basically behave like invoices in status "Open", so you can cancel them.


Depending on the status of an invoice, the following operations are available:

  •  View/Edit Invoice (always available)
  •  View Invoice Details (always available)
  • Cancel Invoice (available in status "Open" or "Document Cancelled" and for invoices without status)

For details, see below.


Depending on the status of an invoice, the following operations are available:

  • Download Invoice PDF (in status "Document Created", "Document Cancelled" and in status "Cancelled", if an invoice document had been created)
  •  Download Credit Note PDF (in status "Document Cancelled" and "Cancelled", if credit note document had been created)
  •  Cancel Invoice Document/Create Credit Note (available in status "Document Created")

For details, see below.


Please note that it is not possible to create invoice documents for existing invoices. Invoice documents can only be created as part of invoice creation, and this process takes place only once.


Starting from Version IcTime considers Jira project permissions in addition to IcTime permissions. Invoices assigned to a project a not any longer visible In case a user has no JIra permission to that project.

View/Edit Invoice

Via the

icon, you can view the invoice's base data and project accounting references. For a description of all fields, please refer to Charge Work Logs - Create Invoice. Most fields of an invoice can't be changed once the invoice has been created. The only fields you can edit at any time, are:



We only cover the scenario of cancelling the complete invoice document, and do not specifically cover uses cases like a partial refund. However, depending on you template for the credit note, you might be able to somehow reflect partial refunds, e.g. by using data from the remarks textarea.



Image RemovedIf there is an issue caused by a problem in the template, you will get an error message that should give some information on the kind of problem and everything will be rolled back, i.e. no credit note will be created

Image Added

In this case, please cancel and start over again (either fix the problem in the template/report before, or user another template/report, if possible).

Step 2: Cancel Invoice

Depending on the reason for cancelling the invoice document/creating the credit note, you will also need to cancel the invoice itself, not only the invoice document:
