What does the ictime plugin?
1. It extends the log work mask from JIRA by an option to log work "from-to" with two clicks (from 07:23 to 08:34; this is the way all classic time tracking software has always worked, meanwhile entering a time span manually is not really suitable if it requires that the user maintains some parallel notes on paper or in Excel in order to keep track ... or the va,ues entered won't be really correct ...) and by an activity type to further classify your work (for the work log option on the view mask o a project, this is automatically done; if you want to place this functionality on an edit or workflow screen, you need to add our custom time tracking field instead of the default time tracking field from JIRA). It also offers the option to track time not directly form an issue, but from a generic place (with choice of project and task). It also offers the option to resume an existing time entry from your worklog (like copying), so that you do not have to select activity type and write a description again, but only have to fill in the time.
2. It writes data (apart form the JIRA database table) in a separate database table (which is used for reporting puposes and to be able to apply rounding rules to time entries).
3. It sets additional conditions to be able to log work (being a team member for a project and the team having a valid pricelist).
4. It adds a very flexible reporting interface so that you can analyse all time entries by multiple dimensions at the same time - and can of course export your files as Excel-compatible format.
5. It adds the option to monetarize your time entries via pricelists on a per team base so that you can use your reports as base for writing invoices or to import into your accounting system. Via pricelists per team and the option of prices per activity type you can distinguish different (sales) prices for different activities in different teams. Via the validity of pricelists, you can also reflect changes in your prices during a (longer) project.
6. It adds the option to define rounding rules for your time entries on a per project base (which should be very common in real life, if you track 6 minutes for customer support, you will probably not charge 6 minutes to your customer, but e.g. 15 or 30 minutes).
7. It adds the option to set a project status (active, inactive or closed) in order to maintain an overview and to control for which projects work can still be logged (inactive projects still apear in the reporting interface, but you can't track time any longer, closed projects also disappear from the reporting).
8. It adds enhanced time planning capabilities on component and project level, so that you can plan top-down from project and component and at the same time can plan bottom-up on task and sub-task level. There is a powerful reporting to make a target/actual comparison on project and component level, also taking into account all plan values (time estimates) on task and sub-task level. This also reflects real life, because when starting a project, you won't be able to already have all tasks defined with time estimates, but would need to start with some rough numbers for the project and it's components.
9. It offers a separate interface for users with all time entries over all projects with filter options by date, project etc. You can also log work directly from this interface, as well as edit or delete existing entries.
10. You can define as many activity types as you want and can decide on a per project base which activity types should be available for time tracking purposes.
11. It offers the option that admin users can log work for other users.
12. Display your work log details for an issue in a comprehensive way (e.g. last entry fist, not like the JIRA work log, where oldest entries are on top ...).
What it doesn't do (yet)?
1. It is not a resource planning tool that helps you to plan and allocate your ressources to projects or gives detailed information on ressource utilization (yes, you can get some information on these topics, but being far away from real resource planning).
2. It does not manage working days, public holidays, team member vacation days and things like that (as it is no resource planning tool).
3. It does not generate invoices, but just raw data exports you might need to generate an invoice in another system.
4. It is not a Gantt chart tool that shows time planning and scheduling data via charts or other visual elements.
No specific support for Greenhopper