Provides a list of Work Log Attributes (WLA) on the level of master data from ictime. For details, refer to For ictime documentation, refer to Work Log Attributes (WLA).
Example (Method GET)
Example Response
{ "responseType": "OK", "fieldErrors": [], "errMsgs": [ { "errorMsg": "" } ], "data": { "responseType": "OK", "fieldErrors": [], "errMsgs": [], "pagination": { "startIndex": 0, "maxResults": 6, "totalResults": 6, "clazz": "de.iconcept.icbiz.api.response.Pagination" }, "dataList": [ { "label": "Cost Center", "mandatory": false, "assignedGlobally": false, "assocType": "PROJECT", "regex": "", "enabled": true, "extMappingId": "241", "name": "WLA A02", "id": 5, "fieldType": "INPUT" }, { "label": "Contract", "mandatory": false, "assignedGlobally": false, "assocType": "PROJECT", "enabled": true, "extMappingId": "44", "name": "WLA P01", "id": 6, "fieldType": "DROPDOWN" }, { "label": "Additional Info", "mandatory": false, "assignedGlobally": false, "assocType": "PROJECT", "enabled": false, "name": "WLA P02", "id": 7, "fieldType": "DROPDOWN" } ], "clazz": "de.iconcept.icbiz.api.response.ResultList" }, "clazz": "de.iconcept.icbiz.api.response.ResponseIct" }
Parameter | Description | Remarks |
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