Versions Compared


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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3

Under construction. This part of the documentation will be completed soon.


titleNew Features

Version 2.0.1
Correct handling of issues assigned to more than one component, load issues on opening of component, keep configuration in session (when used via JIRA "Project" tab), deactivate non-working issue operation option.

 Before using the planning sheet, please make yourself familiar with the planning concept of ictime, specifically with the concept of generic values versus values retreived from lower hierarchy levels (see Planning Concept).


Please note that planning in ictime is always time-based. Even though you can assign a cost/price to you work for time you log, we do not offer financial budget planning at this stage, but just time-planning. Planning is also not related to resource-allocation, so you are not planning who is going to do what, but just which time budgets you expect on the level of project, component and issues. These plan values will then be compared with the time logged in the Plan/Actual interface (see Plan/Actual Comparison).

Table of Contents




Plan/Actual Comparison

You can either access the planning plan/actual sheet via the JIRA project tab or via the ictime navigation.


Plan/Actual Comparison via ictime Navigation

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When accessing via the ictime navigation, you have to choose a project first when entering the planning sheetplan/actual comparison.

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Choose a project and click on the "Show" button.


Plan/Actual Comparisonvia JIRA Project Tab

Choose a project via the JIRA project tab and select the navigation tab "PlanningPlan/Actual":

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If you once have entered the planning plan/actual comparison sheet this way, you can change the project in JIRA and will directly go to the planning the plan/actual comparison sheet for the respective project.


Basic Structure of the


Plan/Actual Comparison

The planning plan/actual comparison sheet consists of the filter bar, the project section and components.


The filter bar helps you to restrict the planning sheet display to a project (only if called via ictime navigation), component, version or version user (coming soon - currently, only component is available).

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The Whatever filter by component, version and user can be combined. It is basically useful if you want to plan on issue level and is intended to restrict the number of issues on your page and to allow you to focus for a specific component, version and/or user.

Project Section

This is the highest planning level.You can either enter a "generic" value here or you decide that the total plan value for the project will be taken from the plan value of all components.

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Click "Update" if you have made changes.


If you have already done a detailed planning on component level, you should always decide to use the sum of all component plan values as total project plan value. If you are in the very beginning of your planning, it might make more sense to set a "generic" value which in fact will be something like an "educated guess" about your project time budget. When you feel that your planning on lower levels is getting better, you will decide to switch. For details, refer to Planning Concept.



you apply, the plan/actual comparison values on project and component level will not consider this filter. Reason is that plan values might be generic, and it does not make sense to compare a generic plan value that has been set for a whole project or a whole component with real values that are filtered and only include some components or some issues etc. Idea of the filter is basically restricting the issues displayed to a dimension you are interested in.

Plan/Actual Comparison for Project

This is the highest plan/actual comparison level.

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PlanPlan value on project level.either generic or as result of all plan values of all components
Actual (Logged)Time logged on all issues of the project. 
RemainingSum of all remaining estimates for all issues of the project. 
DifferencePlan minus time logged.due to JIRA options for handling of remaining estimate this value is not necessarily the same like "Remaining"
QualityA quality factor for the overall project planning. The indicator is calculated based on the quality factor of all components.

The quality factor can only be calculated if there is at least one issue that

  • has an estimate
  • has time logged
  • and is resolved or closed.

Plan/Actual Comparison for Components

This is the second plan/actual comparison level. If you did not define components for your project in JIRA, ictime will automatically display a component "Without Component".

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Click "Update" if you have made changes.


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PlanPlan value for component.Can either be generic or retrieved form the issues of this component, see Planning Sheet and Planning Concept.
LoggedTime logged for all issues belonging to this component. 
RemainingThe "remaining estimate" value from the respective JIRA field for all issues of that component.Keep in mind that this is not necessarily the difference between plan and logged, as JIRA offers various options how to set the remaining value when cerating/editing an issue and when logging work.
DifferenceThis is the real effective difference between planned and logged for all issues of that component. 
QualityQuality indicator for planning on the level of this component. The indicator is calculated based on the plan/actual difference of issues of that component that are resolved or closed, and we consider the plan value amount, so issue with high plan values have an higher impact on the quality factor compared to issues that have low time estimates.

The quality factor can only be calculated if you have at least one issue that

  • has an estimate
  • has time logged
  • and is resolved or closed.

When clicking on the component, you get access to all issues of the component and can see the plan/actual comparison on issue level (see next chapter).




/Actual Comparison for Issues

When clicking on a component, you get access to all issues of that component and can plan time on these issues. Issues will only be loaded in this moment, and we will store in your session that you have opened this component. This setting will be kept, even if you navigate through JIRA or ictime.

This way, you can plan time (make "work estimates") see the plan/actual values for all issues in one place.

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TaskTask key (clickable, directs you to the issue screen), name, type and status 
TypeIssue type 
StatusIssue status. 
AssigneeAssignee of this issue 
Image RemovedAll available operations for this issue 
EstimateEnter or modify plan Plan value ("work estimate") for this issue. Changes automatically apply the delta to the "remaining estimate" field 
Remaining EstimateThe remaining estimate.Uses the respective JIRA field. If you have set this value when creating or editing the issue, it will of course be displayed here. If you change it here, it will also change in JIRA interfaces.
UpdateClick when you have made changes 
Remaining EstimateThe remaining estimate.Uses the respective JIRA field. If you have set or changed this value when creating or editing the issue or when logging work, the current value of course be displayed here. If you change the plan value here, this will always automatically modify the remaining estimate (with the delta of your plan change).


Please note that - contrary to normal JIRA behaviour - in this interface, you can also plan time on issues that have already been closed. This is basically intended to allow for "ex-post" planning.



DifferenceThis is the real effective difference between planned and logged. 
QualityQuality indicator for planning on the level of this component. On issue level, quality is simply time logged divided by time planned. Quality 1 means that plan and actual result are the same, so the planning was perfect. Quality factors > 1 mean that you have spent more time than planned, and < 1 that you have spent less time than planned.

The quality factor can only be calculated if there is at least one issue that

  • has an estimate
  • has time logged
  • and is resolved or closed.