Versions Compared


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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3



Version 2.1
Introduced structured view for the report details.
Version 2.2
Introduced the "Repair View" for the report details in case of work logs that need to be fixed as their issues had been moved between different projects.
Introduced option to create reports for all projects at once.
Introduced option to move work logs.
Introduced the option to delete, edit and move wor logs for issues with JIRA status "closed".
Version 2.3.2
Structured View. Changes and improvements for display (open/close projects, issues); option to limit search to a single issue added; eliminated (obsolete) view options for financial summary

Focus of reporting is being able to get an idea on how much time has been spent and how much money should be charged for a project under different criteria in one reporting interface without having to switch between a couple of different reports with different templates or without having to go through a multi-step process. These reports are basically financial reports , allthough you might extract other relevant information from the resultsand work log reports. Reports are the base for accounting.

Table of Contents



JIRA does not allow to log work or edit/delete work logs for issues in status "closed". ictime usually follows this logic, but in the Reporting section, for practical reasons, all operations on work logs are possible regardless of JIRA status. It is a very typical use case that an administrative user has to make corrections on work logs and that issues are already closed, and it would not make sense that the issue has to be reopened just for this reason.

Table of Contents


Create Reports

Filters and Additional Options

For creating a report, you can combine the following filter criteria for data selection:

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Projectproject dropdownonly Project dropdown, you have to select one project or "All projects" (but it is not possible to select multiple projects).Only projects in ictime project status "active" or "inactive" appear in the list, you have to select one projectDateenter date from, to.
IssueOption to search for and select a single issue (JIRA issue picker). Only works when checkbox checked (you have to decide whether you want to search for a single issue or a project).

When chosing an issue, all project related data for the issue this project belonags to will automatically be available.


The issue picker shows JIRA default behaviour, i.e. the issues available will be limited by the JIRA project permissions of the current user (this is not the same behaviour like for the project dropdown, here we offer all projects, regardless of individual user project permissions).

Date fromEnter date from.Leave (both) blank to get all entries, limit the date range by entering "from" and "to" or just enter either "from" or "to" to define start or end of the date range
Date toEnter date to.Leave (both) blank to get all entries, limit the date range by entering "from" and "to" or just enter either "from" or "to" to define start or end of the date range
Statuswork Work log status: non charged, charged, all.default Default is "non charged".
Prepare Charging Entriesif

If you check this, functionality for creating an "invoice" will be

added to the report result listssee

available; you can't combine that with choosing the work log status "charged" or "all" (if there are entries already charged in your results).

See Accounting.
Componentcomponent Component dropdown for selected project (multi-select).not Not available if more than one project has been selectedyou have selected "All projects".
VersionFix version dropdown for selected project (multi-select).not Not available if more than one project has been selectedyou have selected "All projects". Note that this is "fix for version" (not "affected version").
Teamteam Team dropdown for selected project (multi-select).not Not available if more than one project has been selectedyou have selected "All projects".
Useruser User dropdown for selected project (multi-select).all

All users assigned to teams of this project; will be empty if there are no users assigned to teams (e.g. historic data), in this case you can't analyse by users, but can still run the report.

If a project has been configured not to use teams/price lists, the dropdown will be filled with all users that have "browse project" permissions in JIRA for the respective project. Same is the case if you have selected "All projects", the list will show all users that have "browse project" permission for at least one of the projects.

Activity Typeactivity Activity type dropdown (multi-select).all All activity types. There is no filtering according to the Project Activity Types.
Show Work LogsIf "Work Logs" is checked (= default setting), the report shows all work logs and not only a (financial) summary. 
SummaryAll reports automatically include the (financial) summary. There is one option for this summary: Rounded, Exact; Apply rounding rule/s or display exact results, if applicable.default: rounded; see Rounding Rules
StatusWork log status: non charged, charged, all.Default is "non charged".
Prepare Charging Entries

If you check this, functionality for creating an "invoice" will be available; you can't combine that with choosing the work log status "charged" or "all" (if there are entries already charged in your results).

See Accounting.

The project dropdown is not filtered according to JIRA browse project permissions for or project-team membership of the current user. We assume that the ictime permission to use the reporting interface includes the permission to see all projects in ictime, regardless of JIRA configuration or team memebership. However, you might be restricted regarding what you see and what you can do in the work log details list if you are running a report for a project where you do not have browse project permissions or are not team member.


As  general behaviour in this filter/search mask, if you don't select entries from a dropdown (multi-selectbox), this is considered as having selected "all".


Display Options

Display options define what and howresults are displayed in the report.


These are the options for the financial summary.

Roundingapply rounding rule/s or display exact results, if applicabledefault: rounded
Viewdisplay; currently, only team view is available (others views in preparation) 
 Work Log

These are the options for the work log details.

Showif results include list of work log deatilsdefault: yes
Viewdisplay; currently, only list view is available (hierarchy view in preparation) 


Result List





Edit Time Entries

You can edit or delete time entries appearing in your report result list. Click on the respective icons:



Export Reports






The report consists of the (financial) summary and the work log details (optional).

Work Log Details

If you have checked the respective option, the work log details list will be displayed, either in list view or in structured view (see below).


You can hide/show the work log details by clicking on the small arrow on the left of the headline.

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List View

This is the default view for the work log details. The list view displays work logs by date/time descending.

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DateDate of the work log. 
ProjectProject key.You can click the key to get to the project overview in JIRA.
TypeIssue type. 
StatusIssue status. 
ActionsAll operations available in JIRA for the issue of the work log (like in the JIRA Issue Navigator). 
TaskTask key and name.You can click the key to get to the issue directly.
ComponentComponent for this task. 
ActivityActivity type for this work log."-" is displayed if the project had been configured not to work with activity types or if this is a historic work log from JIRA before you have installed ictime.
DescriptionDescription from your work log. 
UserUser who has created this work log. 
BeginStart time of the work log, if you have logged your time as span/period. 
EndEnd time of the work log, if you have logged your time as span/period. 
ResultTime you have entered (time spent or or calculated result from start and end time) 
RoundedRounded resultif a rounding rule was applicable for the project at the moment you have last saved this work log
ChargeDisplays if entry should be charged or not (green icon=yes, red icon=no)

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ActionsPossible operations for the work log entry. Edit, delete or move work log. See Log Work (Issue Screen) and Move Work Logs.

Options available depending on

  • your rights in JIRA (edit own/all worklog permissions),
  • on the issue status in JIRA (no logging of work on closed issues),
  • and on the task status in ictime (no changes for work logs already charged).

If a work log has been charged already, the $ sign will be displayed. in the "actions" column.

The list shows 15 entries per page and has a following page navigation.

Edit Work Logs

You can edit work logs appearing in your report result list. Click on the respective icon.

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You can only edit work logs if you have the respective permissions in JIRA ("Edit Own Worklogs" or " Edit All Worklogs") and if the work log has not been charged in ictime yet (status "non charged").

Delete Work Logs

You can delete work logs appearing in your report result list. Click on the respective icon.

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The mask displayed is the default JIRA mask to delete work logs.

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You can only delete work logs if you have the respective permissions in JIRA ("Delete Own Worklogs" or " Delete All Worklogs") and if the work log has not been charged in ictime yet (status "non charged").

Move Work Logs

You can move work logs appearing in your report result list to other issues of the same project. Click on the respective icon.

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For details, refer to Move Work Logs.


You can only move work logs if you have the respective permissions in JIRA ("Edit Own Worklogs" or " Edit All Worklogs") and if the work log has not been charged in ictime yet (status "non charged").

Export Work Log Details

You can export the work log details via the respective buttons on top/bottom of the list as Excel-compatible file.

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Apart from the work log details, your export will contain your accounting references, if applicable (see Accounting References).

Structured View

The structured view groups work logs by project and issue and shows the total time by issue and project (for the chosen search criteria).

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In case of multiple projects, you get a list of projects first (for the chosen search criteria). Click on a project to see the issues (for the chosen search criteria):

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If your project list just contains one project, it will automatically show all issues. Clicking on an issue, you will see all work logs for this issue (within your search criteria, of course):

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Fields and actions are basically the same like for the list view (see table above).


This view can't be exported and can't be used as base for excluding work logs from invoices in case of preparing an invoice. This functionality is only available in list view.

Repair View

The "Repair View" shows work logs with inconsistencies between the JIRA work log and enhanced ictime data for a work log. This situation is always caused by moving an issue in JIRA to a different project. The "Repair View" is not available if a project does not have inconsistent work logs.

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For more details, please refer to Repair Work Logs (Moved Issues).


The (financial) report summary gives information on time spent, price per hour and total sum for the report. The structure is always based on criteria that defines prices, i.e. teams, price lists and activity types.


You can hide/display the report summary bei clicking on the arrow on the left of the headline.


As regards the time dimension, the summary will also be available for (historic) data where no teams, price lists and activity types exist. However, financal data will be empty in this case, of course.


All times are displayed as decimal values rounded to two decimal places, please note that there might be minimal rounding errors! If you have chosen "rounded" as option for your report (and if for this project, a rounding rule had been configured), all times will be displayed according to the rounding rule. If no rounding rule is/was in place, there will be no difference between rounded and exact.


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ProjectProject key.Click on the key to get to the JIRA project summary (if you have respective permissions).
TeamData is grouped by project teams.If no team is available (e.g. historic data), "--" will be displayed.
PricelistWithin a team, data is grouped by price list/s; name and validity period are displayed.If no price list is available (e.g. historic data), "--" will be displayed.
Activity TypeWithin a price list, data is grouped by activity types.If no activity type is available (e.g. historic data), "--" will be displayed.
ChargeThis section shows all data of work logs to be charged normally. 
HoursHours.Display and calculation are either "rounded" or "exact", depending on your choice in the filter definition (see above). Please note that "exact" also might include some mathematical rounding, as we are converting time data in decimal values here.
PricePrice per hour. 
TotalSum (by project). 
No ChargeThis section shows all data of work logs with the "no charge" flag.Display and calculation are either "rounded" or "exact", depending on your choice in the filter definition (see above). Please note that "exact" also might include some mathematical rounding, as we are converting time data in decimal values here.
PricePrice per hour. 
TotalSum (by project). 

If you have configured accounting references for your project (see Accounting References), they will be listed below the summary.

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If you have chosen "all" projects, the accounting references won't be displayed.

Export Summary

You can export the summary via the respective buttons on top/bottom of the summary as Excel-compatible file.

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Apart from the summary data, your export will contain your accounting references, if applicable (see Accounting References).


If you have selected "not charged" as work log status and have checked the checkbox "Prepare Charging Entries" (see above), the option to charge all work log entries of your report ("creating an invoice") will be available.

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For further details, please refer to Accounting.