Edit Work Logs
You can edit , move or work logs appearing in your report result list. Click on the respective icon.
Info |
You can only edit work logs if you have the respective permissions in JIRA ("Edit Own Worklogs" or " Edit All Worklogs") and if the work log has not been charged in ictime yet (status "non charged"). |
Delete Work Logs
You can delete work logs appearing in your report result list. Click on the respective icons. icon.
The mask displayed is the default JIRA mask to delete work logs.
Info |
You can only delete work logs if you have the respective permissions in JIRA ("Delete Own Worklogs" or " Delete All Worklogs") and if the work log has not been charged in ictime yet (status "non charged"). |
Move Work Logs
You can move work logs appearing in your report result list. Click on the respective icon.
Export Work Log Details
The structured view displays your work logs grouped by project and issue and shwos shows the total time on project and issue level (according to the search criteria of the report).
Fields/columns and operations are the same like for the list view (see table above).
Info |
This view can't be exported and can't be used as base for excluding work logs from invoices in case of preparing an invoice. This functionality is only available in list view. |
The (financial) report summary gives information on time spent, price per hour and total sum for the report. The structure is always based on criteria that (might) define prices, i.e. teams, price lists and activity types.
Info |
As regards the time dimension, the summary will also be available for (historic) data where no teams, price lists and activity types exist. However, financal data will be empty in this case, of course. |
Currently, "Team View" is the only available view for the report summary. "Team View" means that data is grouped by teams.
If you have configured accounting references for your project, they will be listed below the summary.
Export Summary
You can export the summary via the respective buttons on top/bottom of the summary as Excel-compatible file.
Apart from the summary data, your export will contain your accounting references, if applicable (see Accounting References).
If you have selected "not charged" as work log status and have checked the checkbox "Prepare Charging Entries", the option to charge all work log entries of your report ("creating an invoice") will be available.