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Datedate of the work logdate for the work log entry, not the date it was created (you can create a work log for the past or future, it does not need to match with the current date)
Activity Typeactivity type of the work logif applicable
Descriptiondescription for this work logdepending on JIRA configuration and depending on where this work log had been created, this could be a comment, too
Start timestart time of the work logif applicable (if you have used from/to fields to create this work log); if you have logged the time as result, the server time when you have saved the entry will appear here (this is useful for identifying your last work log)
End timeend time of the work logif applicable (if you have used from/to fields to create this work log)
Rounded result (R)rounded result according to current rounding rule for current projectif no rounding rule is in place for current project, result will be the same like exact result
Exact result (E)Resultexact resulteither the exact result of the time span entered as from/to (if you have used from/to fields to create this work log) or simply the value you have directly entered
Roundedrounded result according to current rounding rule for current project; displayed as decimal value (not in time format)empty if no rounding rule is in place for this project

Depending on your permissions in JIRA regarding editing/deleting own work logs (see and depending on the status of the issue (JIRA: no logging of work on closed issues), the following operations will be available:
