Versions Compared


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PlanPlan value on project level.either generic or as result of all plan values of all components
Actual (Logged)Time logged on all issues of the project. 
RemainingSum of all remaining estimates for all issues of the project. 
DifferencePlan minus time logged.due to JIRA options for handling of remaining estimate this value is not necessarily the same like "Remaining"
QualityA quality factor for the overall project planning. The indicator is calculated based on the quality factor of all components.TBD

The quality factor can only be calculated if there is at least one issue that

  • has an estimate
  • has time logged
  • and is resolved or closed.

Plan/Actual Comparison for Components


PlanPlan value for component.Can either be generic or retrieved form the issues of this component, see Planning Sheet and Planning Concept.
LoggedTime logged for all issues belonging to this component. 
RemainingThe "remaining estimate" value from the respective JIRA field for all issues of that component.Keep in mind that this is not necessarily the difference between plan and logged, as JIRA offers various options how to set the remaining value when cerating/editing an issue and when logging work.
DifferenceThis is the real effective difference between planned and logged for all issues of that component. 
QualityQuality indicator for planning on the level of this component. The indicator is calculated based on the plan/actual difference of issues ot of that component that are resolved or closed, and we consider the standard deviation of plan/actual values for all issues of all components. In addition, we consider the plan value amount, so issue with high plan values have an higher impact on the quality factor compared to issues that have low time estimates.

The quality factor is calculated as follows: TBDThe quality factor can only be calculated if you have at least one issue that

  • has an estimate
  • has time logged
  • and is resolved or closed.


TaskTask key (clickable, directs you to the issue screen), name, type and status 
AssigneeAssignee of this issue 
All available operations for this issue 
EstimatePlan value ("work estimate") for this issue. 
Remaining EstimateThe remaining estimate.Uses the respective JIRA field.
DifferenceThis is the real effective difference between planned and logged. 
QualityQuality indicator for planning on the level of this component. On issue level, quality is simply time logged divided by time planned. Quality 1 means that plan and actual result are the same, so the planning was perfect. Quality factors > 1 mean that you have spent more time than planned, and < 1 that you have spent less time than planned.

The quality factor can only be calculated if the there is at least one issue that

  • has an estimate
  • has time logged
  • and is resolved or closed.
