These are the options for the financial summary (see below).
Option | Description | Remarks |
Rounding | apply rounding rule/s or display exact results, if applicable | default: rounded |
View | display; currently, only team view is available (others views in preparation) |
These are the options for the work log details (see below).
Option | Description | Remarks |
Show | if results include list of work log deatils | default: yes |
View | display; currently, only list view is available (hierarchy view in preparation) |
The report consits of the (financial) summary and the work log deatils (optional).
Work Log Details
If you have checked the respective option, the work log details list will be displayed.
List View
Column | Description | Remarks |
Date | Date of the work log. | |
Project | Project key. | You can click the key to get to the project directly. |
Type | Issue type. | |
Status | Issue status. | |
Priority | Issue priority. | |
Task | Task Key and name. | You can click the key to get to the issue directly. |
Operations | All operations available in JIRA for the issue of the work log (like in the JIRA Issue Navigator). | |
Component | Component for this task. | |
Activity | Activity type for this work log. | "-" is displayed if the project had been configured not to work with activity types or if this is a work log from JIRA before you have installed ictime. |
Description | Description from your work log. | |
User | User who has created this work log. | |
Begin | Start time of the work log, if you have logged your time as span/period. | |
End | End time of the work log, if you have logged your time as span/period. | |
Result | Time you have entered (or calculated result from start and end time) | |
Rounded | Rounded result (if a rounding rule was applicable for the project at the moment you have last saved this work log). | |
Charge | Displays if entry should be charged or not (green=yes, red=no) |
Actions | Posiible operation for the work log entry. Edit or delete work log. See Log Work. | Options available depending on your rights in JIRA (edit own/all worklog permissions), on the task status in JIRA (no logging of work on closed issues), on the task status in ictime (no changes for work logs already charged). |
Tip |
You can hide/display the report work log details bei clicking on the arrow on the left top of the line above the report. |
headline. |
Edit Time Entries
You can edit or delete time entries appearing in your report result list. Click on the respective icons:
Export Work Log Details
Export Reports
Report Summary
The (financial) summary will always be generated.
Export Summary
If you have checked the checkbox "prepare charging", accounting functionality will be available ("charge" button and option to de-select time entries). For further details, please refer to Accounting.
Tip |
You can hide/display the report summary bei clicking on the arrow on the left of the headline. |